
Showing posts from August, 2013

Heart's Cleansing

Pass this heart through the flaming forge Purify with silver and gold Clear the wonton-ness and scourge All that turns affections cold Pit Passion against apathy's day Nor let thankfulness grow dim Break and mold this heart of clay To be reformed by the hands of Him In the furnace pride wanes and cracks Put trust in place, where this heart lacks Give resolve to never compromise And waste the blessings of His prize Bring pain and teaching if You must Yet remember, Lord, this heart is dust Preserve and cleanse, rebuild once more Bind to Thine own heart, forevermore.


"What will it take this heart to surrender? For what I have done, Lord help me remember It's Your Grace that holds me in Your arms of love, Crimson stains washed over in Your flood. Chorus: Holy, Pure, Perfect, & True Giver of Life, I'm running to You Chains broken now, Mercy's in view Lift Your Name high above all other names Singing God You reign, God You reign Stumbling down this road of grief You say at the Cross I'll find relief It's Your Grace, lifts my eyes up from this earth And by Your love I see that I have worth Chorus: Holy, Pure, Perfect, & True Giver of Life, I'm running to You Chains broken now, Mercy's in view Lift Your Name high above all other names Singing God You reign, God You reign I eat of this bread, drink of this cup Come what may don't let me give up It's Your Grace from whom all blessings flow When strength is failing, this I know Chorus: Holy, Pure, Perfect, & True Giver of L...