
Showing posts from November, 2012

Beautifully Rooted

I'm loving this blog more and more each time I read it: Here's an excerpt from one post I saw today: "But, I'm learning a thing or two: Silence is a good thing.   Emptied out can be beautiful.  A quiet inbox is not lonely.  A blank canvas is a beginning.  Open palms are not empty but free.  ...that just because you may be called to wait doesn't mean you need be discontent. ...that when the Lord allows longings to be unfulfilled, He's not failing to satisfy you. ...that the God-shaped hole in our heart is meant for only Christ to fill. So, what have we to desire beside the whole fullness of God?  There is no rush to fill in the blank, friends.  We are meant to be "filled in Him"--not by busyness, text messages,  hobbies, friends, or even family. Filled up is not the same thing as  filled well .  If you are feeling empty today, bare as a forgotten canvas....

Sun & Moon by Phil Wickham

A little clip from some really good lyrics I heard today: "Take my heart, make it glow Shine your light from the inside out I wanna be more like you If you are the sun, I wanna be the moon"

Singleness is the Rose

Home for Thanksgiving!!!  I've taken some time to read through some old journals last night and was reminded of a very good promise.  I usually don't share things this personal on my blog or in general, but I think sometimes it just needs to be said.  Being a Christian girl you grow up with books and sermons all preaching about the gift of singleness and setting your heart aside for God and it's easy to lose sight of that sometimes, but here is something I learned two years ago: "God's little treasures should be picked like flowers... at the end of the day you have a bouquet."   It was a seemingly silly little comment from a devotional I had been reading, but this is what God showed me from it on that particular day: "Lord to be given peace and reminded of the little things I'm going to draw my bouquet.  Remember all You do..."  I drew a bouquet and wrote everything from getting a parking space to remembering my freedom in Christ nex...

Getting my Robert Frost Fix

God made a beatous garden With lovely flowers strown, But one straight, narrow pathway That was not overgrown. And to this beauteous garden He brought mankind to live, And said: "To you, my children, These lovely flowers I give. Prune ye my vines and fig trees, With care my flowerets tend, But keep the pathway open Your home is at the end." Then came another master, Who did not love mankind, And planted on the pathway Gold flowers for them to find. And mankind saw the bright flowers, That, glitt'ring in the sun, Quite hid the thorns of av'rice That poison blood and bone; And far off many wandered, And when life's night came on, They still were seeking gold flowers, Lost, helpless and alone. O, cease to heed the glamour That blinds your foolish eyes, Look upward to the glitter Of stars in God's clear skies. Their ways are pure and harmless And will not lead astray, Bid aid your erring footsteps To keep the narrow way. And w...

Soooo Should Be Doing HW Right Now...

This always happens.  Always!  I start off my day on the right foot all excited for the hours ahead to knock out my homework and get things done and then I get distracted. Well I have just been reading over my earlier posts and am surprised to see how many I've made!  And also to see how many prayers have been answered thus far.  God has totally answered my prayers for friends and people to reach out to and people to challenge me in my faith as well. As freezing cold November comes upon us I am more than ready to go home and see my family for Thanksgiving (and my birthday!) but I also realize that now I feel like I have something to leave behind.  When I first moved in I think I could have left Ithaca like leaving a comfy vacation spot, but now it's becoming home.  Not home like my family is home to me, but home in the sense that it's just me and God and no one else.  He is establishing me here.  Thankfully He goes with us even to the ends of ...