Beautifully Rooted

I'm loving this blog more and more each time I read it:

Here's an excerpt from one post I saw today:

"But, I'm learning a thing or two:

Silence is a good thing.  
Emptied out can be beautiful. 
A quiet inbox is not lonely. 
A blank canvas is a beginning. 
Open palms are not empty but free. 
...that just because you may be called to wait doesn't mean you need be discontent.
...that when the Lord allows longings to be unfulfilled, He's not failing to satisfy you.
...that the God-shaped hole in our heart is meant for only Christ to fill.
So, what have we to desire beside the whole fullness of God? 
There is no rush to fill in the blank, friends. 
We are meant to be "filled in Him"--not by busyness, text messages, 
hobbies, friends, or even family.

Filled up is not the same thing as filled well

If you are feeling empty today, bare as a forgotten canvas...a pitcher half full...
WAIT upon the Lord. 
Settle for nothing but Himself to fill you up. 
He created that space in you; He knows exactly what He fashioned it for."

Amen!  There is so much to be thankful for in my life and today I am thanking God for just using some random person's blog to speak to my heart.  And thanking Him for all the empty spaces He has filled, and thanking Him for the spaces unfilled, because it only teaches me to long for Him more.


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