Soooo Should Be Doing HW Right Now...

This always happens.  Always!  I start off my day on the right foot all excited for the hours ahead to knock out my homework and get things done and then I get distracted.

Well I have just been reading over my earlier posts and am surprised to see how many I've made!  And also to see how many prayers have been answered thus far.  God has totally answered my prayers for friends and people to reach out to and people to challenge me in my faith as well.

As freezing cold November comes upon us I am more than ready to go home and see my family for Thanksgiving (and my birthday!) but I also realize that now I feel like I have something to leave behind.  When I first moved in I think I could have left Ithaca like leaving a comfy vacation spot, but now it's becoming home.  Not home like my family is home to me, but home in the sense that it's just me and God and no one else.  He is establishing me here.  Thankfully He goes with us even to the ends of the earth.  No matter where I am He shall be my home.  And all the desires I have treasured up in my heart, He holds, and anything He "denies" me, let it only make me long for heaven more.

Amy Carmichael once prayed:
"If Thy home be fuller, Lord,
for that a little emptier my house on earth."

Some could take that to mean material possessions, but I believe it means all things that make up a home.  It's difficult being five hours away from people that love and know me, but God continues to provide new people to be that in my life.  And even if He didn't, I can just think "Thy home be fuller."

Lessons this week:  I serve a most faithful God and while I may lose sight and chase after other things (read Hosea... you'll be humbled too), He hems me in (Psalm 139).  His boundaries for me have fallen in pleasant places (as I read in a verse I can't remember right now). And His home for me in heaven is full. :)


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