Fun Quiz Questions

Saw this on another blog that encouraged readers to repost and put in their own answers. So just to brighten the day, here is a little fun Q&A time:

  1. What is your favorite indulgence? Ice Cream and a Rom. Com.
  2. What is your favorite cocktail? Virgin Strawberry Daquiri
  3. The clothing item you can’t live without? This has been discussed with friends and we concluded though it may not always be our favorite, you can't live without undergarments...
  4. Your favorite current workout song? On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons
  5. What is your favorite way to sweat? Zuuuumba and Ice Skating!
  6. Your favorite new band? All Sons & Daughters
  7. Your favorite color? Mint 
  8. Where did you grow up? New York
  9. What is your favorite TV show? Ugly Betty
  10. Any embarrassing accidents? plenty I'm sure
  11. What was your first job? Page at the library
  12. What was the name of your first pet? Baby Whiskers... the hamster
  13. What’s the one thing you refuse to share? My pillow
  14. If you had to move to another country, where would you go? Norway!
  15. What is your favorite confidence booster? Verbal Affirmation
  16. How fast can you say the alphabet? This is difficult to translate via blogging
  17. If you were a jungle animal, what would you be? I would like to be a panther, but I'm pretty sure I'm an exotic goofy bird.
  18. Waffles or pancakes? Waffles hands down!
  19. Skiing or snowboarding? Snowboarding... though I've never tried either.
  20. Your best piece dating advice? Don't settle.
  21. The one item you always have on you? Sadly, almost always, my cellphone.
  22. Favorite weekend indulgence? Sleeping in.
  23. Best pickup line? If I tell you then it won't be all mine. 
  24. If you were a food what would you be? A classic brownie.
  25. Think of your life as a movie ~ what’s the title? If I were good at titles, this blog name wouldn't have been changed 50 thousand times. 


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