The Anguished Child

From October 2013: "I thought of what a good, personal, and loving God I serve - and this evening I feel like a misunderstood anguished child."

Have you ever had a day like this?  This is almost my every day.  My sweet husband teased me once calling me "a woman in conflict."  I was defensive at the time and still don't want to own that as my identity.  As a daughter in Christ, I shouldn't!  Nevertheless, as a very real human on this earth, I am truly, always in conflict.  

Paul states in Romans 7:15, "For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." (ESV)

Our days are filled with joys and toils.  It is easy to go from one moment rejoicing and the next mourning.  We are fickle humans and while we rejoice in what is good, we carry out what is evil.  Let this rest on your hearts tonight.  While you may find yourself at the end of the day kicking and screaming at the Lord like an anguished child, He is ever constant.  He is ever good.  He is ever loving and caring for your needs.  Like a parent pouring stinging peroxide over a fresh wound, it burns and stings, but He is cleaning and purifying your wounds that they may be healed.  Healing comes through the crucible; however, long, hard, and aching that crucible may be.  Whether or not the refining process looks how you think it should.  Whether or not the gold you become is the gold you expected, relent to His control, for He cares for you.  I say this to myself as much to anyone else out there who may venture to read this, choose peace over conflict.  Turn off the war between the soul and the flesh through complete surrender to Him. 


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