
Showing posts from 2012

What comes in the late quiet hours...

His left hand is under my head And His right hand embraces me, Even when my heart is dead And all within me longs to flee. There is no place I'd rather dwell Than in the here and now, While His love holds back the fires of hell I shall turn and bow. Forgive this weak heart, my Lord, It cannot comprehend The heavenly treasure You've stored up From the beginning to the end. But here I am, merciful God, Laid bare before Your throne You strip away my poor facade And call me as Your own. Amen. These words cannot begin to express the overwhelming thankfulness in my heart tonight. -KF

'Tis the Season to Ring in the Sparkle!!!

Despite my better judgement, I kind of want this dress: Thank you Forever21 for reminding me that there is a secret sparkle-lover inside me and that I'll probably never have a need or use for this, but I want it anyway.  

Beautifully Rooted

I'm loving this blog more and more each time I read it: Here's an excerpt from one post I saw today: "But, I'm learning a thing or two: Silence is a good thing.   Emptied out can be beautiful.  A quiet inbox is not lonely.  A blank canvas is a beginning.  Open palms are not empty but free.  ...that just because you may be called to wait doesn't mean you need be discontent. ...that when the Lord allows longings to be unfulfilled, He's not failing to satisfy you. ...that the God-shaped hole in our heart is meant for only Christ to fill. So, what have we to desire beside the whole fullness of God?  There is no rush to fill in the blank, friends.  We are meant to be "filled in Him"--not by busyness, text messages,  hobbies, friends, or even family. Filled up is not the same thing as  filled well .  If you are feeling empty today, bare as a forgotten canvas....

Sun & Moon by Phil Wickham

A little clip from some really good lyrics I heard today: "Take my heart, make it glow Shine your light from the inside out I wanna be more like you If you are the sun, I wanna be the moon"

Singleness is the Rose

Home for Thanksgiving!!!  I've taken some time to read through some old journals last night and was reminded of a very good promise.  I usually don't share things this personal on my blog or in general, but I think sometimes it just needs to be said.  Being a Christian girl you grow up with books and sermons all preaching about the gift of singleness and setting your heart aside for God and it's easy to lose sight of that sometimes, but here is something I learned two years ago: "God's little treasures should be picked like flowers... at the end of the day you have a bouquet."   It was a seemingly silly little comment from a devotional I had been reading, but this is what God showed me from it on that particular day: "Lord to be given peace and reminded of the little things I'm going to draw my bouquet.  Remember all You do..."  I drew a bouquet and wrote everything from getting a parking space to remembering my freedom in Christ nex...

Getting my Robert Frost Fix

God made a beatous garden With lovely flowers strown, But one straight, narrow pathway That was not overgrown. And to this beauteous garden He brought mankind to live, And said: "To you, my children, These lovely flowers I give. Prune ye my vines and fig trees, With care my flowerets tend, But keep the pathway open Your home is at the end." Then came another master, Who did not love mankind, And planted on the pathway Gold flowers for them to find. And mankind saw the bright flowers, That, glitt'ring in the sun, Quite hid the thorns of av'rice That poison blood and bone; And far off many wandered, And when life's night came on, They still were seeking gold flowers, Lost, helpless and alone. O, cease to heed the glamour That blinds your foolish eyes, Look upward to the glitter Of stars in God's clear skies. Their ways are pure and harmless And will not lead astray, Bid aid your erring footsteps To keep the narrow way. And w...

Soooo Should Be Doing HW Right Now...

This always happens.  Always!  I start off my day on the right foot all excited for the hours ahead to knock out my homework and get things done and then I get distracted. Well I have just been reading over my earlier posts and am surprised to see how many I've made!  And also to see how many prayers have been answered thus far.  God has totally answered my prayers for friends and people to reach out to and people to challenge me in my faith as well. As freezing cold November comes upon us I am more than ready to go home and see my family for Thanksgiving (and my birthday!) but I also realize that now I feel like I have something to leave behind.  When I first moved in I think I could have left Ithaca like leaving a comfy vacation spot, but now it's becoming home.  Not home like my family is home to me, but home in the sense that it's just me and God and no one else.  He is establishing me here.  Thankfully He goes with us even to the ends of ...

Casey the All-American Girl

My hero today is my dear friend Casey. She rides motorcycles, plays rugby, and even tried to fix my car! Though we couldn't fix it (the problem was a little more complex than we had hoped) I was proud of the effort. Had she had more tools I think she was ready to pull out my spark plug and replace it! (I admit, despite all this girl-power going on we did need some manly assistance for pushing my car into the driveway... Thanks Stephen!) Makes jam, bakes killer brownies, and fixes cars today it seems like the Proverbs 31 woman has nothing on Casey ;)

Christ Alone

Edens Edge sings this amazing a cappella version of Christ Alone and it just echoes in my head all the time, the harmony and the words just cut straight to my heart: When I fly off this mortal earth And I’m measured up by depth and girth The Father says now what’s he worth May he see Jesus death and birth Don’t measure me by dollar signs Or bricks and mortar you may find By Christ alone will I be found Worthy of that golden crown Worthy of that golden crown The value of this life I’ve lived How did I love, did I forgive Where did my treasure truly lay How did I start and end each day Don’t measure me by battles won Or some good deed that I have done By Christ alone will I be found Worthy of that golden crown Worthy of that golden crown May be a pauper or a king Have nothing or have everything The question begs, do you belong Do you sing a resurrection song Measured by the master’s hand On only one truth can we stand By Christ alone will we be found Worthy of that golden crown Wor...

Glimpses of My Life


Songs from the Heart

Wrote this one about two and a half years ago, but God just brought it to my memory recently.  Seems like this will never stop being applicable to my life... Over and over again I see this wretched thing, so dead in its transgressions unfit for eagle's wings. And yet, You bear me up Lord to soar with You in flight alive and well within You, faith strengthened by Your might. My most recent song I am surprised to say I actually like it. Usually I am my worst critic.  I get excited to play them for people and as soon as I do I realize I think they are lame or I hate them or something.  For someone who is very open and outgoing, I am surprised how hard it really is to share the real things, the deeper things, the songs from my heart with others without feeling very small and insignificant.  I guess on the internet it's easier because I don't have to see how my readers (if any exist) are reacting to it.   Here it is, with inspiration from the...

I'm Back!

For anyone who is faintly interested I'm sorry for the month-long gap in blogging. A quick summary has been a lot of school, a whirlwind of new activities as I make new friends, old friends coming to visit, a most perfect-ever-in-the-world nephew being born, good days with God and bad days with my humanness.  Nonetheless, I am shocked at how easily my life has changed.  While one part of me misses the things of home and familiarity (and of course I'll never forget them), I do find that out of sight truly is out of mind in some circumstances.  Living on my own is fun and sometimes feels fake, because working at the school isn't like a real job, but I still get to experiment with different recipes and clean the bathroom.  Ah! Real Living!  That's all for now.  Not very inspiring, but just a praise to God for taking care of me, for always surprising me by providing for me when I least expect it, and for giving me joy even in making new friends and livin...

"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever"

This is not the first time i have thought of this quote, but it gets me every time and here is why: When I bought flowers for myself today I could not wipe this grin off my face, even as i walked all the way home. Completely alone... buying myself flowers... I felt like a million bucks! Every single girl or guy should treat themselves once inawhile. It started to rain on me as I walked home and my only care was for my flowers. Today's rain felt like God was being romantic and made my flowers more beautiful as little raindrops fell upon the petals. The same Word that left home with me has come back to me again today: "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?" Matthew 6:28b-30 While I...

A Perfect Morning

Today was a perfect day at the Farmer's Market! My housemate had to go to a soccer game so I went by myself and listened to worship music on the way. I bought my favorite honey crisp apples and the best sweet corn in the world!! Then I decided I would buy myself a flower. I saw another woman passing me on the way to the market and she had done that so I said "why not?!" Then I saw the gerber daisies and they looked so autumn-esque and my sister Erin loves gerber daisies. Even though she is miles away I bought them with her in mind. I got hungry so I bought a strawberry/ chocolate crepe and sat down by the dock with it and just enjoyed the gray windy day. God made this all and He said "it is good."


I'm learning more and more that God will continue to allow me to walk into situations in life that humble me until I get the message.  My only message to others who feel that strain is do not let it knock you down.  God means for us to be humbled because He is the only one with the power to lift us up.  In our weakness He is stronger. That is no small cliche.  That is a fact, a promise, a truth which we can lift up to Him in our times of weakness.  "I lift my eyes to the hills.  Where does my help come from?" says the psalmist in Ps. 121:1  We would be wise to answer as King David did "My help comes from the Lord."  Rather than beat yourself up with regret, look to the lesson God has taught in this time and turn around and praise Him for His goodness and grace. Isaiah 51:6 - Lift up your eyes to the heavens,      and look at the earth beneath; for the heavens vanish like smoke,      the earth will wear...

Surviving School/Life = Walking in the Light

"The famous old commentator John Trapp says, "We may be in the light as God is in the light for quality , but not for equality ." We are to have the same light and are as truly to have it and walk in it as God does, though as for equality with God in His holiness and purity, that must be left until we cross the Jordan and enter into the perfection of the Most High." -Charles Spurgeon It's only been the third day of classes so it doesn't feel like school is going to be as tough or as busy as I suspected. I feel like I should be going out and getting a second job or something to keep myself alive, but I highly doubt that's a reality. I'm sure once it settles in that I have lesson plans to make, evaluations and treatment plans to give, on top of homework, on top of an assistantship I will surely be busy.   Last night to get to know some of the girls in my program more I went out for Karaoke with them. Three of us sang "Build Me U...

It's the little things in life...

I saw this today and it made me smile because it's true!

Graduate Orientation

1. It's long... 2. I like my professors so that's a good sign 3. The food was good Overall, it's not a bad day.

Blessed Indeed

Could God have given me a better roomie? I think not.

Today Ithaca, Tomorrow... The World

I could blame the book I've been reading ( Radical ) but let's just face it, I've always wanted to travel.  And bringing glory to God, well of course that's top of my list.  Today though I am extremely fired up thinking about the fact that I have my whole life ahead and God can do whatever He wants with it if I just step aside.  Tomorrow is my orientation, I am about to jump head on into an intense two-year program.  What happens after that?  I have a friend in Ecuador who needs a speech-therapist in the orphanage where she works.  I have an aunt and uncle in China who work in a private Christian school... they also have speech therapy needs in their school.  I am so excited to have this skill and career, but even more excited to discover that as long as there are people in the world, my profession is necessary.  I definitely want to raise a family and America is a great place to live in terms of freedom, but I seriously hope that I can take my pr...

Radical Living

A good friend is one that will keep you accountable.  After chatting with a friend last night about moving and how it feels and what she may experience as she gets ready to head off to school, she gently added the question, "And how is your TAG time?"  For those who do not know the acronym it stands for "Time Alone with God."  I instantly felt a little shock, because I know how my TAG time has been and it was refreshing and convicting to have someone actually ask me and keep up with me.  So I confessed.  For some reason this week I have felt less of a desire to be near to God, less of a hunger for His Word and revelation.  I have been feeling spiritually dead.  Though I may go through the motions trying to stir myself up by listening to sermon podcasts, reading missionary biographies, playing worship music on my guitar but nothing inspired me, nothing left me wanting to know Him more.  It simply left me feeling guilty and ashamed for wanting the o...

Nice Spot for a Wedding

Ash and I walked to the Farmer's Market this past Saturday and I fell in love with the place! Each row to park cars had a fence and arbor of greens to walk under. Then inside the Market were these lovely wood ceilings with twinkle lights. Then out the other side was the stone patio leading to the docks on the lake. It may be a Farmer's Market but I see it as an ideal wedding venue if you go for that outdoor country look. Wish i had taken more/better photos but here are a few for you all to enjoy. And if anyone wants the most amazing corn ever let me know while it lasts! I'll pick you yp some!!!

Stewart Park

...Quickly becoming my favorite place and not just because it goes by the name of Stewart! It has fresh open air, different fun places to park, and it's free. This particular day (saturday) i went to have some alone time with my Lord. I journaled and played worship songs on a bench by the lake and decided I did not care if people thought I was crazy. Though in this place I'm sure anything goes. I liked this particular spot because it reminded me of our pond back home the summer dad had it covered in lily pads. It also had the same feel as Brookwood Hall park back home. It just felt like a piece of familiarity. The bridge looks inciting I hope to cross it one day, but for now just content to enjoy where I am. I've crossed enough bridges for now ;)

Cayuga Lake & Peacefulness

A view of Stewart Park when I went with the parents and little ducks thought we were going to feed them... alas we didn't have anything to give them:

A Room of One's Own

The thing that has made this move the easiest is my room.  I am happy to have the airy yellow walls and the light blue accents.  I feel very at home in my little space.  A space to think and to relax and to enjoy myself.  Unfortunately this week has taken a toll on me and I am now sick (but surviving!) and am glad that I have my room and my comfy bed to hibernate in until I feel better.  It's still in the works but hopefully you will see the comfort I get from it: I think my desk is my favorite space.  The cute mason jars, the cork board where I post prayers and thanksgivings, and it's just my own little corner.   "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing  in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.   But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father,  who is unseen. Then you...