
Showing posts from August, 2012

Surviving School/Life = Walking in the Light

"The famous old commentator John Trapp says, "We may be in the light as God is in the light for quality , but not for equality ." We are to have the same light and are as truly to have it and walk in it as God does, though as for equality with God in His holiness and purity, that must be left until we cross the Jordan and enter into the perfection of the Most High." -Charles Spurgeon It's only been the third day of classes so it doesn't feel like school is going to be as tough or as busy as I suspected. I feel like I should be going out and getting a second job or something to keep myself alive, but I highly doubt that's a reality. I'm sure once it settles in that I have lesson plans to make, evaluations and treatment plans to give, on top of homework, on top of an assistantship I will surely be busy.   Last night to get to know some of the girls in my program more I went out for Karaoke with them. Three of us sang "Build Me U...

It's the little things in life...

I saw this today and it made me smile because it's true!

Graduate Orientation

1. It's long... 2. I like my professors so that's a good sign 3. The food was good Overall, it's not a bad day.

Blessed Indeed

Could God have given me a better roomie? I think not.

Today Ithaca, Tomorrow... The World

I could blame the book I've been reading ( Radical ) but let's just face it, I've always wanted to travel.  And bringing glory to God, well of course that's top of my list.  Today though I am extremely fired up thinking about the fact that I have my whole life ahead and God can do whatever He wants with it if I just step aside.  Tomorrow is my orientation, I am about to jump head on into an intense two-year program.  What happens after that?  I have a friend in Ecuador who needs a speech-therapist in the orphanage where she works.  I have an aunt and uncle in China who work in a private Christian school... they also have speech therapy needs in their school.  I am so excited to have this skill and career, but even more excited to discover that as long as there are people in the world, my profession is necessary.  I definitely want to raise a family and America is a great place to live in terms of freedom, but I seriously hope that I can take my pr...

Radical Living

A good friend is one that will keep you accountable.  After chatting with a friend last night about moving and how it feels and what she may experience as she gets ready to head off to school, she gently added the question, "And how is your TAG time?"  For those who do not know the acronym it stands for "Time Alone with God."  I instantly felt a little shock, because I know how my TAG time has been and it was refreshing and convicting to have someone actually ask me and keep up with me.  So I confessed.  For some reason this week I have felt less of a desire to be near to God, less of a hunger for His Word and revelation.  I have been feeling spiritually dead.  Though I may go through the motions trying to stir myself up by listening to sermon podcasts, reading missionary biographies, playing worship music on my guitar but nothing inspired me, nothing left me wanting to know Him more.  It simply left me feeling guilty and ashamed for wanting the o...

Nice Spot for a Wedding

Ash and I walked to the Farmer's Market this past Saturday and I fell in love with the place! Each row to park cars had a fence and arbor of greens to walk under. Then inside the Market were these lovely wood ceilings with twinkle lights. Then out the other side was the stone patio leading to the docks on the lake. It may be a Farmer's Market but I see it as an ideal wedding venue if you go for that outdoor country look. Wish i had taken more/better photos but here are a few for you all to enjoy. And if anyone wants the most amazing corn ever let me know while it lasts! I'll pick you yp some!!!

Stewart Park

...Quickly becoming my favorite place and not just because it goes by the name of Stewart! It has fresh open air, different fun places to park, and it's free. This particular day (saturday) i went to have some alone time with my Lord. I journaled and played worship songs on a bench by the lake and decided I did not care if people thought I was crazy. Though in this place I'm sure anything goes. I liked this particular spot because it reminded me of our pond back home the summer dad had it covered in lily pads. It also had the same feel as Brookwood Hall park back home. It just felt like a piece of familiarity. The bridge looks inciting I hope to cross it one day, but for now just content to enjoy where I am. I've crossed enough bridges for now ;)

Cayuga Lake & Peacefulness

A view of Stewart Park when I went with the parents and little ducks thought we were going to feed them... alas we didn't have anything to give them:

A Room of One's Own

The thing that has made this move the easiest is my room.  I am happy to have the airy yellow walls and the light blue accents.  I feel very at home in my little space.  A space to think and to relax and to enjoy myself.  Unfortunately this week has taken a toll on me and I am now sick (but surviving!) and am glad that I have my room and my comfy bed to hibernate in until I feel better.  It's still in the works but hopefully you will see the comfort I get from it: I think my desk is my favorite space.  The cute mason jars, the cork board where I post prayers and thanksgivings, and it's just my own little corner.   "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing  in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.   But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father,  who is unseen. Then you...

The Great Outdoors

Did a lot of talking on the last post, to make up for it here is a picture of the surrounding nature I got to see for all of two seconds before my parents and I continued our shopping adventures:

Not In Kansas Anymore...(forgive the wiz of oz cliches today)

If any media or person has attempted to romanticize the idea of moving away in your mind as some glorious adventure - think again.  The last few days have been so draining (yet somehow still exciting) physically and emotionally.  The long five hour drive became longer with my car insisting on overheating every half hour or so, thus leaving me to drive with the heat blasting and the windows closed because of a thunderstorm.  Daddy to the rescue!  He did some stuff to it, switched cars, and we made it there safe and sound.  I may have been able to fit all my cargo - including a double bed mattress and box spring - into one vehicle, but it was no fun to move.  Again, most of the grunt work fell on my dad's shoulders as mom and I tried our best to keep up.  Moving and unpacking and sorting and fitting things into place really is rather unromantic. We decided to take a walk around "The Commons" a sort of hub of downtown.  Where we come to the title...

Last Looks and Farewells

So this is the end and the beginning.  The end of my life as I've known it for the last 23 years and the beginning of a brand new adventure.  I know it's probably just sappy of me but I understand why people often compare lives to books, saying that everyone has a story to tell.  It's because it's true.  Chapter 1:  I was born  Chapter 2: Childhood   and so on and so forth.  Now we come to the chapter that says "Look out world here I come!"  I feel so naive writing on this blog.  Any of you who have gone before me might say "it's not that big of a deal... you'll live on ramon noodles and mac & cheese and you'll survive." But it's a new beginning.  I can't believe I'm cutting loose and starting with a blank slate with a new town and a new home. Tonight I had to say goodbye to my friends one more time and it was hard knowing that new and exciting things are happening in their lives too that I will miss.  Thankfully we don...