Last Looks and Farewells
So this is the end and the beginning. The end of my life as I've known it for the last 23 years and the beginning of a brand new adventure. I know it's probably just sappy of me but I understand why people often compare lives to books, saying that everyone has a story to tell. It's because it's true. Chapter 1: I was born Chapter 2: Childhood and so on and so forth. Now we come to the chapter that says "Look out world here I come!" I feel so naive writing on this blog. Any of you who have gone before me might say "it's not that big of a deal... you'll live on ramon noodles and mac & cheese and you'll survive." But it's a new beginning. I can't believe I'm cutting loose and starting with a blank slate with a new town and a new home.
Tonight I had to say goodbye to my friends one more time and it was hard knowing that new and exciting things are happening in their lives too that I will miss. Thankfully we don't live in the dark ages and can communicate with much faster mediums now, but that does not take the place of actually being there to experience or come alongside someone. In any case, I hope I'll find a handwritten letter in the mail once in awhile.
I have been blessed to have been supported by so much love and encouragement from friends and family. Lots of prayer (and gifties too) and I have no doubt in my mind God knows where He is taking me. He knows... meanwhile I'm just the one without the roadmap waiting to see what's around the corner. It's exciting and frightening all at once. Bring it on!
There are so many poets I could quote write now, but I think I'll just close saying the path lies before me and the past lies behind.
Goodnight world...
Tonight I had to say goodbye to my friends one more time and it was hard knowing that new and exciting things are happening in their lives too that I will miss. Thankfully we don't live in the dark ages and can communicate with much faster mediums now, but that does not take the place of actually being there to experience or come alongside someone. In any case, I hope I'll find a handwritten letter in the mail once in awhile.
I have been blessed to have been supported by so much love and encouragement from friends and family. Lots of prayer (and gifties too) and I have no doubt in my mind God knows where He is taking me. He knows... meanwhile I'm just the one without the roadmap waiting to see what's around the corner. It's exciting and frightening all at once. Bring it on!
There are so many poets I could quote write now, but I think I'll just close saying the path lies before me and the past lies behind.
Goodnight world...
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