God Hears

Just be reminded today that He does hear and He does answer prayers.  He is faithful indeed!

If you've been reading my blog you know I've been complaining a bit about the work load and feeling stressed.  Do I still have work ahead of me?  Indeed, but I have to say prayer changes things.

This morning I prayed remembering that God is who I am dependent on, not myself.  That He is merciful by making me go do my work instead of giving me the day off, because in His plan He knows what fruit that work may produce.  I asked Him this morning to "take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior"(see the song I posted last time).  Trials shall be overcome not by looking at what we have ahead to tackle, but by looking at the Unchanging God.  Our moods don't have to shift with the trials and blessings of life because if we focus on our Lord who is Steadfast and True.  There are so many things I could write about, so many ways that God has been bringing me the same message, but I will leave it at this encouraging you to look to God today and not at the situation you are in.


  1. yay! This is so great and certainly something I needed to hear. I love you!

  2. So so great! Love you. Looking to God and not the circumstances.


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