More than Conquerors

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 8:37-39

Sometimes I question if Speech Pathology is really where I should be simply because I just want to be with people.  I can't save anyone, that's God's job, but I do find great joy in building relationships and encouraging people and sharing with them Author of my faith.  And I think sometimes, I don't want to go to work, I just want to spend time with people.  Going out to lunch, listening to their problems, being a friend.  Being a friend is my profession, being a student of Speech Therapy is my hobby.  haha.  I'm not always good at it, but it's what I want to do.  I know that I can do that through working with people in my field, but sometimes I just wonder what else can I be doing?  How can I help just one more person from figuratively "jumping from the platform"?  My answer today comes from this Romans passage.  We are more than conquerors because we are in Christ.  And nothing in this world can separate us from the love of Christ once we are in Christ.  So if I trust God like I say I do, the opportunities will come to me on the road regardless of whether I'm walking the road of peer - friendships or the road of Speech therapist and client.  Christ is the head and I am a part of the body and He will not let my function go to waste, as long as I'm willing to let Him be the head and do the directing.

On another somewhat connected note... a few days ago I came back from Spring Break dreading all the work I had ahead of me this week.  I tried not to have a bad attitude about it, but just the stubbornness inside me didn't want to do it.  My flesh decided it wanted to stay home and stay in bed for the rest of my life.  But then driving to school God caught my heart in the midst of complaining and worrying, as He often does, and reminded me that I want my life to be fulfilling, to be about Him and not about me.  That no matter how "hard" and "unfun" it seems, I'd rather labor for the glory of God all the days of my life than live comfortably and never grow any closer to Him.  St. Patrick, known for his rebellious adolescence, was brought under God's authority after 6 years of slavery, many disciples were slaves, prisoners, and martyrs for the sake of God.  I'm not saying I necessarily want that to happen to me of course, but I realized today that I'd rather go to the ends of the earth doing tough, messy work for God than to ask God to give me a comfortable job and a comfortable house and an easy life.  If He blesses me with those things, AMEN, I will use those blessings to His glory as well, but my point is my goal is live for God not live for comfort.  It's scary to identify it that way, and scarier to think I'm willing to abandon it for the gospel, but also so exciting.  Exciting because "neither life nor death, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come ... will be able to separate us..."  

If only I could keep this perspective 24/7 life would be easier simply because of that.  Get up, go out and conqueror the world today because you have a loving God who, come what may, promises that you cannot be separated from Him.  Though it may feel like you are far from Him, He is not far from you.  Embrace that today!


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