Not In Kansas Anymore...(forgive the wiz of oz cliches today)
If any media or person has attempted to romanticize the idea of moving away in your mind as some glorious adventure - think again. The last few days have been so draining (yet somehow still exciting) physically and emotionally. The long five hour drive became longer with my car insisting on overheating every half hour or so, thus leaving me to drive with the heat blasting and the windows closed because of a thunderstorm. Daddy to the rescue! He did some stuff to it, switched cars, and we made it there safe and sound. I may have been able to fit all my cargo - including a double bed mattress and box spring - into one vehicle, but it was no fun to move. Again, most of the grunt work fell on my dad's shoulders as mom and I tried our best to keep up. Moving and unpacking and sorting and fitting things into place really is rather unromantic.
We decided to take a walk around "The Commons" a sort of hub of downtown. Where we come to the title of this post. This was no place like home. I am by no means preppy and put together, but this town takes hippie to the max. complete with a store front advertising hemp and bongs and sitting right there in the storefront window. Dreadlocks as far as the eye could see! lol
My mom immediately turned to me and asked if I was sure I had to go away to school. Yes mom! And I will be fine :)
Granted thar is only one style choice of this collegetown, there are plenty of others to go around. I am pleased to meet many polite people, lots of shops and cafes, a lot of vegan/vegetarian cuisine, and people walk everywhere! Goodbye gas station - I'm learning to walk again! All in all I feel comfortable in my new place, it's something new, something to get used to, (it helps that I have the best housemate ever) and cannot wait to see where God takes me next...
My mom immediately turned to me and asked if I was sure I had to go away to school. Yes mom! And I will be fine :)
Granted thar is only one style choice of this collegetown, there are plenty of others to go around. I am pleased to meet many polite people, lots of shops and cafes, a lot of vegan/vegetarian cuisine, and people walk everywhere! Goodbye gas station - I'm learning to walk again! All in all I feel comfortable in my new place, it's something new, something to get used to, (it helps that I have the best housemate ever) and cannot wait to see where God takes me next...
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