Full Dependence

As I reflect on my graduate student experience coming to a close I have much to ponder. First, how quickly this has already come and gone and second, where am I headed next? It has certainly been a year of humbling, stretching, and breaking, but also one of discovery and independence and joy. While, like anyone, I can be prone to get stuck in pity parties when things are not going my way, today I am happy to say it's all been worth it. A life with our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is enough. This is the message that God has been relentlessly working on my heart this year. I still don't fully get it, don't know if I ever will, but it has definitely been an overarching theme for my life in this particular last year.
He has been exposing my selfish tendencies, my prideful actions, and my sin in general. He has also reminded me of my great great need for Him and His unfailing grace. This morning we took communion at church and I thought about the deep deep desire I have to be able to present clean hands and a pure heart to God. I can't do it. Try as I might, never can I be perfect and holy and pure - never on my own that is. Yet I was reminded of His blood. As Christians the Father looks at our lives through the lens of His Son's atoning sacrifice. I am fully dependent on Him for sustaining my life everyday, for filling my heart with His capacity to love, His love to save me from my sinful flesh, and everything else that He does for me. 

I challenge you to remember these truths: You are not your own, you were bought with a price and that He has created all things and holds all things together. We have a Creator, a Sustainer, a Savior that has bought our lives with His blood and sustains us with His powerful hands. Now go and live your life being marked by that truth.


  1. I love this. I have so enjoyed seeing you grow and thrive during this grad school era. I would encourage you to embrace every bit of the "now" even as you start to plan for the "next". Take full advantage of being a student and all the freedom and opportunity that it offers. And lastly, make way for TEXAS! :)


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