Memoirs of a Baking Addict

So there are so many more things I could talk about and catch up on, especially things God is teaching me in this life. Hopefully I'll find time to go back and cover the things I've forgotten to post, but in the meantime let me say I'm back on a baking kick.

There is nothing quite so satisfying to me as working hard, putting something in the oven, filling the house with yummy smells, and then having this fabulous treat come out minutes later! More exciting is my expansion beyond cookies and brownies. I love trying new recipes and flavors and I am addicted to recipe browsing online. I probably owe Ithaca College some paper after printing so much goodness!

Yesterday I made a cheesecake for the first time and was totally blessed by the overwhelming praises of the people who ate it. I doubt it was as good as they say, but I'm also not super crazy about cheesecake. My favorite thing was making homemade blueberry sauce to top it off. So much better than buying from a can! I hope to do more homemade things in the future :). Eat well tonight dear friends!

Below I shall share some baking joys with you:

No ordinary Tostitos jar!  I forgot to buy buttermilk for a scone recipe I was making, so instead I went old-fashioned and put heavy cream in a jar and shook it until it become whipped cream, and shook it some more until it turned/ separated into smooth creamy butter sitting in buttermilk.  Yay! See the finished product below:

Cheesecakes are in the works...

My blueberry sauce!  Again, so super excited to do things truly from scratch.  The only thing that could have made it more natural would have been to go and pick the blueberries off the bush myself!

The Cheesecake! Just check out that yummy graham cracker crust!

Ok this picture is accidentally rotated to the side and I'm not technological enough to fix it; but, what you are supposed to see is that my cheesecake came out with a face on it!  The crack is the mouth and then where some of the ingredients separated above it are two misshapen eyes...  It certainly has character.

John is ready to cut the cheesecake.

Strawberry Rhubarb (and some banana) baked oatmeal... I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow.

Cream Scones, Strawberries, and Whipped Cream in a heart shape for one of my best friend's bachelorette party.

More baking to come my friends!  Just you wait and see!


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