Moments in the Rain

After a long school day last week with much studying ahead I decided to take a walk to the grocery store to buy some snacks before my study group came over. All geared up in my rain coat and Wellies I took a wet but pleasant stroll in the rain and had my headphones playing some worship music. It's freeing sometimes knowing I can just walk somewhere if I want to. It's hard in today's world to do things like that especially for people like me who think there is an attacker lurking around every corner, but honestly this day was perfect. The rain fell down, the worship in my heart lifted up, and the neighbors wild flowers looked even more beautiful sparkling with in drops of water than they do drying up in the sun. It may look like an ordinary old street, but to me it was a moment in the rain. A moment to meet with my God and remember how His hand crafted all of this... ALL of this!! He is so big and mighty! And I just want to love Him more and more and more. He is so beautiful and His world was made beautiful by Him.

Thank you Jesus for this gift of life and the flowers that bring hope with each bud that springs up.


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