Irony or God-Given Timing

So... I'm setting up my DropBox and pretty much moving my whole life to this website and thinking "Lord, I pray that no one ever hacks this company or their computers never crash, because I am taking all of this off my computer and outsourcing it."  And in the process (though if I'm up this late I should be studying so I am having a half-panic attack about all I need to accomplish in the meantime) I came across a note I wrote to myself on March 14th of last year.  I think it's either ironic or God reminding me of lessons He is teaching or both... because it's talking about humbleness and last year I seemed really excited by the idea and this year as I feel it's actually happening, that is a lot more of challenge:

"I would loooove to write a book about humbleness.  It just came to me today that this is something I want to write about, because it is something I want to display my whole life long.  Humbleness is not one of those qualities that comes naturally to me I notice.  Whether by nature or nurture or both, I see that humbleness is contrary to my usual tendencies.

But driving to WSCS this morning it occurred to me “What if we lived in a world where everyone considered the driver next to them, or in front or behind or whatever, as better than themselves?”  As long as human nature exists I’m afraid it will be impossible, but imagine a life where as we’re driving instead of cutting people off because we are running late and our destination is so important, instead we think of that other person’s time pressure and schedule as more important.  People wouldn’t go over the speed limit because instead of seeking their own life thrill and momentary pleasure, they actually considered it not worth the risk of someone else’s life.  That’s humbleness.

I'll be truly honest with myself... I was also convicted of a time when a friend started dating and I wondered “why her and not me? Where's mine?"  Is that humbleness?  No!  Rejoice in the fortunes of your friends rather than be jealous.  Seeking others' happiness, putting others before oneself, this is the gateway to humbleness which leads to joy.

Because then think about it.  If we were humble before God, we would not be able to resist the Truth.  Truth such as an hour spent before Him is better than an extra hour of sleep.  I am beginning to resent all the difficulty I have been having waking up lately because I get more joy out of rising early, accomplishing tasks, and spending my time with the Lord."

Well tomorrow is certainly a day I have to rise early, here's hoping I can keep such an optimistic perspective in mind! Thank you last year's self... little did you know how I'd need this!


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