Hard Roads

"My unmoving mansion of rest is my blessed Lord. Even when prospects are few and hopes are squashed and joy is waning, I have lost nothing of what I have in God. He is "my refuge" to which I continually return. I am a pilgrim in the world, but at home in my God. In the earth I wander, but in God I dwell in a quiet dwelling place." -Spurgeon

I love my daily devotional email i get from TruthforLife.org. It tends to be so perfectly timed with the seasons o my life. Presently graduate school feels it will be the death of me, but I am slowly and painfully discovering what I am making into priorities v. what I should be making into priorities. I am learning the loneliness that will ensue if I cannot discipline myself to study well alongside friends- then I sentence myself to solitary study. I wanted life to be all fun and games but to make this season of life worthwhile, if I desire to do my best and honor God in it all, then "sacrifice" (so meager in comparison to Christ's) must come. A daily dying to my passions and pleasures and taking up my "cross" of reading, writing, studying, and building treatment plans. I feel ashamed calling this a cross when I see that there are millions in the world who may never have the chance to learn to read. Turn what I view as a cross into a view of gratitude, Lord! Thank you God that my joy does not have to wane, that You are my home now and forevermore. It is a great lesson I am learning, but a hard one. Keep my flesh from fighting the work the Spirit is doing in me! Amen.


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