Simple Reminders

Call me an egotist, but I love reading through my old journals.  Sometimes it can be therapeutic and it really helps me see in what areas of life I have progressed and where I, unfortunately, am exactly the same sinful me I've always been.  And it can be fun because I really surprise myself in the middle of all my self-centered rambling, some sort of poignant thought will make its way to the surface.  Often times the poignant thought isn't my own.  Such is the case with this evening.   For background:  I was in a phase of harboring a terribly strong crush on a guy I knew from a missions trip and totally hating myself for it because I knew I was being ridiculous.  I returned to the words of my favorite author, Elisabeth Elliot when she was struggling with her feelings for Jim:

"My heart was saying, 'Lord, take away this longing, or give me that for which I long.' The Lord was answering, 'I must teach you to long for something better.'"

Such a simple reminder.  It almost seems too easy.  I don't know about you, but sometimes in the midst of those phases I don't even want to long for something better.  It's easier to wallow in self-absorption and pity than it is to allow yourself to be taught.  But I encourage you (and myself) tonight, whether the longing be for romance or simply for answers to questions and struggles in your life, stop asking the Lord to remove the stimulus and let Him condition you to react differently.  Certain struggles in life will be ones that we always struggle with, and so learn now how to react differently to that problem than you did in the past and you will be ready for it if it comes again in the future.

Goodnight :)


  1. thanks. needed this this morning. Lord, condition me to react differently. love you


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