Prayer of a Tired Heart
Dear dear Jesus, my Comfort, my Rest, my Salvation:
Both physically and emotionally I find myself struggling this past week and most especially the past few days. And even as I'm writing this prayer I realize how I have neglected much needed time in the Word this week. Even worse than feeling weary is I get down on myself even more for being weary. I want to be good at waiting, trust your timing and your wisdom... But tonight I am just weary of it all. I am sorry. I like to think I am stronger and not phased by this or whiny about this as some others are, but the truth is I am not. I am human and I am weak and I am tired. Tired of praying for Your will and desiring to follow it yet still finding myself disappointed when I don't get what I want. Let this self die to Christ that I no longer have to bear this burden, lift me out of my weariness tonight. But if this is the load I must carry then just continue to remind me that You gave me the strength to bear it. Spirit renew the joy that distraction and insecurity so often rob.
By Your precious blood am I free to approach the throne with this plea. Thank you Lord,
Both physically and emotionally I find myself struggling this past week and most especially the past few days. And even as I'm writing this prayer I realize how I have neglected much needed time in the Word this week. Even worse than feeling weary is I get down on myself even more for being weary. I want to be good at waiting, trust your timing and your wisdom... But tonight I am just weary of it all. I am sorry. I like to think I am stronger and not phased by this or whiny about this as some others are, but the truth is I am not. I am human and I am weak and I am tired. Tired of praying for Your will and desiring to follow it yet still finding myself disappointed when I don't get what I want. Let this self die to Christ that I no longer have to bear this burden, lift me out of my weariness tonight. But if this is the load I must carry then just continue to remind me that You gave me the strength to bear it. Spirit renew the joy that distraction and insecurity so often rob.
By Your precious blood am I free to approach the throne with this plea. Thank you Lord,
I'm right there with you <3