
I just found this quote floating around my Bible. Someone from Bible Study had handed it to me last week and I never got around to actually reading it until now. It's a quote from Beth Moore's study "Psalms of the Ascent":

"You and I will never move to the next level with God if we're scared half to death of what awaits us. On this mysterious pilgrimage we will find that when we do meet difficulties and sorrows, they were not meant to stop us but to form the character required for out great harvest in the coming season. Step into your future, Precious One. Something wonderful awaits you."

Usually I tend to get theologically picky and think "Actually you don't know what awaits me. Aren't we warned that our road will lead to suffering and persecution in this life?" But today this is just what I needed to hear...

Not sure why there has been such a heaviness in my soul lately, I feel it is unwarranted and distracting. I mean there are some things I can blame it on, but really it's just a spiritual rut of discouragement this week. Too many things hitting me from too many angles. Today I was hoping for a snowstorm so I wouldn't have to face the responsibilities ahead. But I read this reminder... Character building, hope for a brighter future be it in this life or in heaven... And then His words come to strengthen my fainting spirit: "My strength is made perfect in your weakness." "Come to me Child," He is calling, "and I will give you rest." I do not want to face the day, it would be far easier to stay in bed. But His purposes are greater and He won't let me hide forever, instead He calls me to actually believe His promises an believe what He says to be true. I feel alone living on my own despite all the love an support around me, and the Spirit reminds me that I am not. In fact, I have the Holy Spirit living in me and guiding me! And Jesus' words strengthen this heart again: "In this life you will have many troubles, but fear not, I have overcome the world."

Do I believe that today? Rejoice with me today in that blessed reminder.


  1. Thank you, again, for this as well. My heart seems to be filling up. I'm so overwhelmed with all these thoughts and truths. I love you sis! Miss you!!!! <3


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