I do not think my testimony is a common one. I mean, I've met people who have similar stories, but it's not the kind of testimony you typically hear in a sermon or a Christian conference. Often you hear some story of someone who, by God's grace, turned from a deeply disturbing and destructive path. Drug addictions, violence, explicit sexual lifestyles, stealing, abused childhoods, poverty, false religions, etc. you get the point. While very moved by all of these testimonies I could never relate directly. I was the girl brought up by two very loving parents, who got along well with my siblings, who loved going to church and believed in Jesus for as long as I can remember; and I don't think I was ever grounded...ever. I am not saying this to make myself sound good, because I know I'm not. I am hopelessly flawed indeed, but I'm just saying this to illustrate how I could not relate. My idea of rebellion was sharing a soda with my friend when m...
lol I like it!!! :) Can't wait to hear about it.