Weird Things I Miss About Long Island

With Springtime finally appearing up here in Ithaca, I notice some things about Spring are the same at home and some things are missing.  Things I didn't notice meant so much to me while I was there:

1. The smell of Long Island.  Ithaca doesn't really have one the air feels very clear, which I guess is actually a better thing.  But while L.I.'s might not always be a pretty smell, it's home.  This is the time of year I would park my car down by the water with my journal and a snack and take in that salty-sea-mixed-with-boat-fuel smell.

2. Stupid Seagulls... I hate them when they try to steal my french fries at the beach or when they poop on my car, but there is something home-y about rolling down my car windows and hearing the seagulls squawk as they fly around scavenging.

3. The first buds of life coming out of the ground around my house... I don't have a garden here (yet!).

4. The sound of my dad's pond trickling when I open my windows for some fresh air.

5. All the windows and space in my house that let the sunshine in!

That's all for now... I'm sure there is more but unfortunately the day's work lies ahead and does not leave too much time to be melodramatic and reflective.


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