Wooly Bear

Ok so maybe it's a blogging faux pax to blog posts within like 20minutes of each other, but right now is when I have the free time. Today I bring to you a picture of this little fuzzy caterpillar thing that crossed my path on a walk/jog-attempt around Stewart Park. He was all alone and slowly creeping his own way across the path. I was reminded afresh of what a beautiful metaphor caterpillars can be for our lives. I try not to be too Christian cliché with my metaphors, but I think that God gave us things in nature like this to not see them as cliché but to constantly be reminded of His majesty throughout creation.

I looked at this caterpillar, why did he cross my particular path at this particular moment as I was walking and praying and worshipping?? Because he was a reminder that the trials of life that challenge my faith and the unfortunate insecurities that plague my thoughts are not the end. God has promised to transform and renew these sinful hearts. He has already saved me, but I will be complete in Him when I am united with Him at the end. This world is not my home nor is this flesh or this sin a burden I shall wear forever. I may be a creepy crawly thing on this earth, as I am being sanctified in Christ I may in that sort of incubation crysallis period, and in the end I will be that butterfly free to fly (or in this case, as it turns out a wooly bear moth, ha look it up... it kinda kills the analogy a little).

Or one may say phases of life are that way. As a child I was the caterpillar, as an adult-in-the-works I am being transformed and when God is ready to put my education and faith to work on a grander scale I'll have the wings to soar. However you want to read into it the point His He transforms us by the renewing of our minds and has called us a "new creation." Do not be dead in your sin but be alive with Christ! And whether you think you are more moth material than butterfly, well guess what God loves you, He made you perfectly in His wisdom, and He still gives you wings to soar through the world carrying the Gospel of Light.

Well that's my spiel for the day. Enjoy!


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