Letters from the Heart

I love getting mail and unfortunately my mailbox has been a little barren lately, except for a traffic ticket that arrived to remind me I have to pay it.  And I don't just love getting letters, I love mailing them and I fear with all the business that life has brought I have taken little time to encourage and write to the people who have been on my heart much.  Well, today my dear dear cousin wrote me a letter of encouragement.  Just a short simple reminder that is so profound and so encouraging to the heart.  I didn't ask her permission but as she is one of maybe three people who read this, I doubt she'll mind my quoting her:

"Life gets challenging and sticky.  But it need not be unbearable if we could just remember the One to whom we have been eternally bound to.  And how much sweeter the sweet moments when we realize we've had no part in their occurrence!  And the very best part of ALL... God can even be found in life's ordinary moments, which is where I think we least expect to find Him."

Thank you my little love!  What other words in the thesaurus are there for encouragement?  This note has been a cheer, a coaxing, a prompting, a motivation, stimulation, fortification etc. etc. to my soul today.  Thank you for being a Barnabas and for writing simply what was on your heart as it so richly blessed mine.


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